About Me

I am a photojournalist based in Philadelphia, PA. I believe strongly in the power of collaboration and an informed populace. Particularly, my work tends towards joy, community, and healing. I am available for assignments in the Tri-State area. 

Currently, I  work as a freelance photojournalist for publications like The Philadelphia Inquirer, and Philly NPR-affiliate, Billy Penn. I contribute photos to commercial clients such as Mural Arts, University of Pennsylvania, Mutter Museum, Moore College of Fine Arts, and Philadelphia Parks and Recreation. 

I gravitate toward stories that provide context and honor the human experience at all stages. Photography is a medium that can be used to help people understand each other more deeply. I hope to spend my life using my camera in pursuit of empathy and mutual consideration. 

My past written and visual journalism projects explore topics like inequitable distribution of resources to communities experiencing the ramifications of homelessness and open air drug uselasting effect loneliness has on military veterans, the use of green spaces as means of harm reduction for people with substance use disorder, and the feasibility of converting abandoned homes into housing for people  experiencing homelessness.

Outside of journalism, I am passionate about animal rescue (I have 4 cats courtesy of Philadelphia's robust population of strays), learning about remarkable women in history, and creating art. I am happiest when sharing and learning with others, my email is always open to those looking to chat. 

"It is the duty of all, therefore, to open every door of approach, to cultivate every source of knowledge, to try to find out by any means possible, the ways and habits and beliefs and hopes of other peoples not their own, to the end that with common knowledge  and in mutual understanding,  all peoples may work together for a good and peaceful world."

— Pearl S. Buck


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